it really opened my eyes! :) anyways my question is.

which i am so glad because i just learned a lot of new things to do with my make up. erica Jensen, hello! :) i went on google and i clicked on a picture of a beautiful young lady that has pretty eye shadow.ANN THANKS FOR THE TIPS, I LOVE THE SPARKLE AND SHIMMER, I NEVER KNEW MY BROWN EYE COULD LOOK SO PRETTY.Heather That's awesome Maddie!! Thanks for the comments!.light pinks and violets also look gorgeous sometimes instead of using liner, i use eyeshadow with a thin brush on the water line it makes the look less dramatic and more casual. i love it, and always get compliments on it. maddie teal or royal blue liner on the waterline makes the gold tone in my eyes pop.Autumn The pictures don't match the tips at all.Heather Hi Lauren!! MAC makes some great shimmering eyeshadow!.Lauren where do you get good shimmer eyeshadow like this?.Lara I have very dark brown eyes, with an outlining of even darker shade around my iris, anyone know anything that would work for me?.Enrica Naked 2 pallet has great neutrals, bronzey, shimmery tones.off whites for under-brows also.Wendy Beyond beautiful drop dead gorgeous eye looks!.The gold shadow and blue mascara really complement my brown eyes! Totally in love with dark blues because black tends to make my not-so-big eyes seem smaller, and I just love being different! :) I love using a dark colour shadow under gold shadow, brown liner and blue mascara. Hitomi I'm Japanese/Indian mix so I have a slightly darker skin tone and eyes compared to other oriental Asian people.Amelia Wat if u would wnt a really natural look Lyk maybe sme mascara or even eyeliner bt u hve spots.Amelia I really appreciate Ur answers so plz a could really use the help.Tiffany love how most of the pics were people with green eyes.betty great looks-although I use deep greens all the time on my dark brown eyes and it looks great and makes my eyes pop better than the blues.Carissa What lashes does she use in this pic?.Carissa It the pic of I believe Kim K in red lipstick.